Sunday, November 13, 2016

Hijab: Sharing my Perspective

I am so grateful that I have always been surrounded by the most respectful friends, peers and coworkers. As a Muslim wearing hijab, I have been fortunate to have had very few incidents of hate directed towards me. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not naïve. I am aware that there have been countless more incidents where assumptions are made about me, or I am silently judged solely on the basis on how I am dressed.

However, I recently realized that in the midst of such strong attacks against my religion, I don’t just want my beliefs to be blindly respected – I want the people around me to understand why it is that I choose to wear hijab.

 To my incredible classmates, we are nearing the end of a long educational journey! And once you land a teaching job, you will have the power of creating a positive classroom environment rooted in inclusiveness, as well as the capacity to influence dozens of students every single year. And that in itself is such a powerful thing. For those of you who don’t plan to pursue teaching, I have no doubt you’ll still be agents of change in whichever direction you go in. And for everyone else, simply speaking up or counteracting false statements will go such a long way. And if not that, in the very least- the next time you see myself or another girl wearing hijab, at least you won’t be left wondering why.

Disclaimer: keep in mind that everyone you meet will share a different story, and this one is exclusively my own.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Technology in the classroom: A brilliant or catastrophic phenomenon?

There is no denying that we live in a very digital world. However, if I’m being completely honest it took me a while to embrace the idea of technology in the classroom. In my undergraduate program, I chose to take an elective course on digital media in the classroom to try to deepen my understanding about the issue. Throughout the duration of the course we were presented with both arguments: pros and cons. Despite all the information I was presented with, I was still a bit skeptical. I would read scientific articles on how brains are being rewired. Keegan (2012) explained that the common belief is that brains shape technology, but people rarely considered that technology is shaping our brains.
However, recently I realized that my skepticism was holding me back from incredible learning tools which I could be bringing into the classroom. I may only be a young adult, but I have learned to accept that the childhood children have now is very different from the childhood that I experienced.  It was a shocking realization that youth today are experiencing the world through a brand new lens. As an educator, I realized that it is critical for me to “get with the times” so I can not only benefit from what the digital world has to offer, but allow my students (the digital natives)  to navigate through the digital world in a way which will benefit them immensely.  

The amount of great educational resources which exist are countless. I am forever amazed at the innovative tools which have emerged. I look forward to sharing my discoveries with you in upcoming blog posts.  However, taking a step back and thinking about the 21st century literacies, I thought about this concept in relation to Digital Literacy. It is defined as the ability to use information and communication technologies to find, evaluate, create and communicate information, requiring both cognitive and technical skills” (Mckee-Waddell, P. 26).” This literacy is so important because there is no doubt that students will be navigating through the web, so students need to understand the logistics behind it. As a student, I remember getting several generic lectures from parents and staff about “stranger danger”. This issue still applies for children, but now this danger can come from behind a screen. As educators, we have the best interests of students at heart, but how can we do this if we don’t immerse ourselves into their world. A digital footprint is also such an important issue. Students need to realize that every click of the mouse is being tracked and ultimately cannot be taken back. Living in a 21st century world means being ready to adapt to the constantly evolving world.

This image really stood out to me because it put into perspective how digital literacy can be embedded into countless aspects of the classroom. In the image, it lists three reasons for teachers to use technology in the classroom:.          
    1. Adapting to diverse learning styles
    2. Boost student motivation
    3. Enhance the material being taught

All of these reasons reinforce just how valuable it can be for a student to be exposed to technology in a classroom context. Additionally, when reflecting on digital literacy, it quickly became clear to me that this literacy can be embedded into all the other literacies. With the digital world, we have access to an infinite amount of information, so it is valuable that we have the necessary skills to navigate through it all.

How do you feel about the 21st century classroom? Share your thoughts below! 

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

...what do YOU stand for?!

As educators, we need to recognize how powerful education is, and see it as having transformative potential. It may not be tangible with step by step guidelines, but nonetheless it is possible to include social justice into our teaching practice. In relation to the 21st century literacies, I feel that implementing social justice would be a combination of multicultural, moral, and critical literacy.  By allowing students to question the messages which come their way, they will learn to recognize the inequalities which exist in society (Harwood, 2008).

An exploration of human rights and social justice in the classroom. 

I recently came across a great article which really sparked my interest. Evans (2008) discussed human rights over a series of four generations, and how we often forget that human rights are actually quite a recent development. Just to break it down for you, here is how the article described the development of the “rights revolution”:

First generation: Establishing principles. The end of the Second World War led to the founding of the United Nations. The United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (UDRH) of 1948 was a significant achievement which shed light on rights asserting dignity, integrity, and equality.
Second generation: Standard setting. This was a generation which worked towards translating the moral force of the UDRH into legal practice. It was recognized that there was not a practical system set in place to implement and enforce the human rights which had recently been developed. This movement was launched primarily by Non- governmental organizations.
Third generation: Coping with the “New World Order”. The 1990s were a very critical time period with all the rapid changes happening around the world. It was recognized that the world people were living in was much different than the world they were born into. This time period consisted of violations which escalated in severity, and was an assault to identities (gender, language, ethnicity, etc.). The “new world order” was a dangerous time where power remained in the hands of a few, and others were left feeling helpless at making a difference.
Fourth generation: Making rights real. Changes continue to occur internationally, and there are many challenges that are making it difficult to break the cycle of human rights violations. Many human rights which were violated through tragic incidents such as trauma, torture etc. can lead to behavior dysfunctions which will just get passed down if they are not dealt with effectively (Evans, 2008).

…. You may be asking yourself, why is this important? As we can see, each of the past few generations have played a role in the development of human rights. And now - it is our turn! I found it ridiculous that children do not even know that they protected by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). Personally, by the time I learned about it, I was no longer a child. The students in our classroom will be part of the fifth generation, and there is no doubt that we want those students to shape the world for the better.  

Here is a video which explains a brief overview on universal human rights

In order to progress towards an inclusive social order, it requires educators to address issues such as race, discrimination, hate and oppression (Bouette, 2008). Although it is a very difficult and sensitive issue to address, educators have the capacity to connect with individuals in a way which is not possible with other professions.

Providing students with a multicultural education can have such a profound impact.  It allows the students to be open minded towards people of all cultures, but it also allows them to challenge the existing inequalities which exist in society. I feel that challenging these inequalities and taking an active stance against them will be what the fifth generation contributes to society. 

For anyone who would like to learn more about social justice in the classroom, click here for some awesome ideas which help transform these ideas into practice. 

Boutte, G. S. (2008). Beyond the Illusion of Diversity: How Early Childhood Teachers Can Promote Social Justice. Social Studies99(4), 165-173.
Evans, D. G. (2008). Human rights: four generations of practice and development. In A.A. Abdi & L. Shultz (Eds.), Education for Human Rights and Global Citizenship (pp. 25 – 38).
 Harwood, D. d. (2008). Deconstructing and Reconstructing Cinderella: Theoretical Defense of Critical Literacy for Young Children. Language & Literacy: A Canadian Educational E-Journal10(2), 1-13.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Hey everyone! Welcome back to my blog – as I start a new semester, I am excited to continue documenting my learning journey.

As a teacher candidate, I am constantly being introduced to such a wide range of new concepts or teaching pedagogies.  I am committed to being open minded to everything that comes my way, but I must admit… it can get a bit nerve-wracking to be exposed to so many different ideas knowing that it will be my responsibility to convey these ideas to a classroom full of students. However, some of the new concepts are just brilliant and I get excited just thinking about being able to implement them. 

Walking into a class, it is clear that the traditional idea of literacy is not sufficient to engage students or equip them with the skills they need to be critical and active members of society. To process information in our present day society requires much more than being able to read a newspaper. Fortunately, that is about to change!

Recently, I was introduced to the concept of 21st century literacy.  Students need to be equipped with the skills to understand the multi- media culture. I was very excited to see that the new literacies included: critical, media, character, environmental, global, etc. Not only will these new literacies broaden the horizons of literacy, but it will allow students to be critically literate. Critical literacy is absolutely crucial right now. There is no doubt that children as young as toddlers are very skilled at navigating through technology such as iPads. However, we need to ensure that they have the tools to maneuver through the virtual world. This includes being aware of the biases, and different sources from where information comes from.

One of the really valuable aspects of 21st century literacy is global literacy. “Global citizens are individuals who not only have knowledge (and context knowledge) but also have developed a number of key values and skills including critical thinking and empathy” (Broom, 2015, pg. 3). I was surprised to learn that a country as multicultural as Canada, has a very incomplete curriculum. The curriculum is aimed towards fostering nationalism and pride in Canadians, which results in students gaining very minimal knowledge in other nations. Students cannot be expected to become global citizens if they lack the historical knowledge which underlies current world events.

An idea which really resonated with me from my last class was recognizing that my role as a teacher is not about teaching my students all the content, it is about equipping them with the skills so that they themselves can thrive in an environment which is constantly changing.

Broom, C. (2010) Curriculum in the age of globalization. Canadian Social Studies, 43(1) 1-
              9.  Retrieved December 1, 2015, from

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Rant: Confessions of a Canadian Muslim

I should be doing so many other things right now. However, as soon as I try to focus, I find my mind distracted by what’s going on around us. The recent events in the world are no longer just a matter of headlines, they have become personal. Just to put it into perspective for you, here are a few of the articles I have come across since the start of November…  

“Woman’s face smashed with beer mug for not speaking English”
“Muslim woman attacked outside her children’s school in Flemingdon Park”
“People are angry after a Zara Employee in Paris Banned A Woman In A Hijab From a Store”
“ Peterborough Mosque fire deliberately set, say police”

If that doesn’t send chills down your back, I don’t know what would. Disgust, fear, shock – are just some of the many overwhelming emotions swirling around my head. Less than a month ago, we as Canadians were on an all-time high. We were full of hope when Trudeau was elected as the Prime Minister. All my sport fanatic friends and family members were extremely proud as the Blue Jays fought hard through the season and the music lovers were raving about Justin Bieber and Drake’s newest releases. But now – negativity and concern creeps into every conversation that I have.  I cannot wrap my mind around the incidents happening both within my local community and in the global community.

This morning, my very close non- Muslim friend frantically sent me a text because she had not heard from me or seen me for just a few days. Typically, we go days without communication but in light of the recent events, she had become worried for my safety. My close friends and I are beginning to make arrangements to ensure that we do not walk home or take buses alone because we are scared for our safety. Muslim girls which I personally know that have been wearing hijabs for years are starting to consider taking it off. This is not because they do not agree with what the hijab stands for, but it is because they feel unsafe. This is definitely not the Canada which I proudly stand for, this is an embarrassment.

My inner educator immediately began to think about Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, a theory which I am constantly exposed to throughout my education. For those of you who are not familiar with it, it suggests that people are motivated to achieve certain needs, and explains that you need to satisfy your lower level basic needs before progressing to the highest level of self- actualization. So how can we move forward to the highest level of self actualization when our basic needs like safety, are not being met?

As a result, I realized that I need to give myself a wakeup call and take on a proactive approach. Sitting here and pondering about the state of society will only leave me bitter. I genuinely believe that each and every one of us is capable of doing so much more. We all need to play on our strengths and find out what we can do to improve the current conditions. To be completely honest, although I am angry at the individuals committing the hate crimes, I’m more curious about what the root of their ignorance is. Is it the lack of education that they received at a young age? Is it the way which media is portraying the situation?

I do not support Muslim leaders condemning the incident, because Islam obviously has absolutely nothing to do with these attacks against humanity. However, that does not mean that I think we need to silence ourselves.  If you managed to read through my rant, I leave you with one last point which I hope will resonate with you. Rather than just rolling our eyes and getting angry that people think the actions of a few people represent Islam as whole, equip yourself about what Islam really stands for and correct their misconceptions. I kid you not, a two minute conversation is enough to educate someone on what Islam is really about. If we start small by speaking up to our friends, acquaintances, we can create a rippling effect of positivity and enlightenment. 

I conclude with one of my favourite quotes - "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world."

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Homework: Causing more harm than good?

As I get closer to my goal of becoming a teacher, I find myself spending more time reflecting on which practices I want to adopt in my own teaching. One of the issues which I have been thinking about is homework. 

Homework has been a highly controversial topic for many years now, but recently it seems to be gaining much more attention. I decided that if I wanted to make an informed decision, it would be important to evaluate the topic from several different perspectives. 
 Retrieved from:
According to the Toronto District School Board, homework is an important part of a child’s school experience. It allows them to take what they learned during the school day and extend that learning into the home. Additionally, it provides students with an opportunity to formulate good study habits from an early age, leading to further success. Homework is suggested to be a strong foundation for school- home partnerships since teachers, students and parents all have an active role in supporting homework. They also had a homework policy in place which really impressed me. In terms of timing, scheduling, and quantity of homework – the expectations are attached below: 

The expectations put in place by the TDSB convinced me that homework is not problematic if such careful considerations are made. However, when looking further I found some very strong arguments against it. Research has suggested that there is no benefit to homework at a primary level. What's even worse is that homework can actually be problematic for young children. Excessive amounts of homework can result in unneeded stress and pressure which can affect the student's physical and mental health 
(Bogdanovich, 2014). The unofficial rule for time spent on homework is to multiply the grade by 10- and that would determine how many minutes should be spent on homework. However, parents and children have claimed to spend much more time on homework. Another area of concern is that research has also failed to find any significant findings between homework and student achievement. Countries with minimal homework had more successful school systems than countries with a heavy work load (Bogdanovich, 2014).

Another concern was that homework interferes with a student's time to relax and spend time with their family. Homework can also be the barrier which prevents students from taking part in extracurricular or leisure activities which are proven to enhance the well-being of children. Further arguments include that most of the homework which is assigned is meaningless, and does not promote real learning. It also prevents students to all have an equal chance at success because students from upper and middle class homes have better resources to help them (Pilgrim, 2013).  

For anyone who is interested, here's a video clip which provides insight on a school which abolishes homework, and introduces daily reading instead! 

[Awakened Media]. (2012, Sept 12). Elementary school abolishes homework- good or bad idea?
[Video file]. Retrieved from 

In light of this new knowledge, when teaching young children, I believe that the disadvantages of homework outweigh the benefits. However, instead of eliminating homework completely, I would utilise an alternative approach to accommodate the people who do support homework. I think that providing interactive activities related to the class material would be a great way to include parents who do use homework as a way to be engaged in the learning process. These activities could be optional so students do not undergo any stress.

After reading this, where do stand on this issue? Please share your thoughts below!



Bogdanovich, P. (2014, September 8). Homework or no homework? Retrieved November 1, 2015, from

Homework. (n.d.). Retrieved November 2, 2015, from

Homework: Harmful or Helpful? (2013, October 3). Retrieved November 2, 2015, from

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Creating the Ideal Classroom Environment

What is motivation?
Motivation is defined as “the general desire or willingness for someone to do something" 
Now imagine if that something was learning...the possibilities in the classroom would be endless!

As educators, it is important to recognize that an unmotivated student will not learn effectively. Motivation directly affects the students' learning and behaviour. Ormrod (2014) explains that students strive when they set goals for themselves. Motivation is the factor which allows them to set these specific goals. It also leads to increased energy and effort, and the more motivated they are, the more enthusiastically they will pursue a particular task. Motivation also increases initiation and persistence in activities. When students start a task they want to do, they will be likely to stay on task. Lastly, motivation affects cognitive processes. Motivated learners make an effort to pay attention, and meaningfully understand the material (Ormrod, 2014).

Consequently, I believe that a key priority for every teacher should be to create an engaging environment which can inspire students. Not only is motivation rewarding for the students, but it is just as exciting for the teachers when the students are invested in their learning ("Motivating Students", n.d.).

Before I discuss ways to motivate students, I think it is important to recognize reasons why students may be unmotivated. However, be careful not to confuse a student who is having difficulty learning as being unmotivated. 

Reasons student may not be motivated include:
  • Lack of interest in the subject
  • getting distracted by external forces
  • being unengaged by the teacher’s practices ("Motivating Students", n.d.)

The image below demonstrates the different ways a classroom environment can be modified to motivate students. 

A key point to remember is that every student will be motivated in one way or another! Teach.Com provides some great tips on how to get your students excited about learning. These tips include:

1. Encouraging Students:
Students really value a teacher's opinion. A little recognition can go a long way when a student feels valued and respected. 

2. Get your students involved
If students are given responsibilities, it provides them with a sense of accomplishment and makes them feel like active members of the learning process. 

3. Offer incentives
It is important to set expectations and encourage participation, but sometimes that is not enough. Rewards and incentives give students that extra push, and it can provide a sense of pride when the goal is accomplished. 

4. Get Creative 
As an educator, try to steer away from a singular teaching practice. Be flexible with your methods, and don't be afraid to bring in visual aids, games, and to enhance the teaching. 

5. Draw connections to real life  
Give the students a reason to believe that what they are learning is important. When you explain how the material applies to them, and how it can relate to their life, they will be much more attentive. ("Motivating Students", n.d.) 

Lastly, for those of you are interested in a few extra strategies to increase student engagement, I have attached a video clip with 7 great tips! 

[Reading Horizons]. (2014, January 3). 7 ways to increase student engagement in the classroom [Video file]. Retrieved from

Motivating Students. (n.d.). Retrieved October 5, 2015 from teachers-change-lives/teachers-motivate
Ormrod, J. (2014, April 30). How Motivation Affects Learning and Behavior. Retrieved October 5, 2015, from
Strong, R., Silver, H., & Robinson, A. (1995). What do students want (and what really motivates them)?. Strengthening student engagement. 53 (1), 8-12. Retrieved from ations/educational-leadership/sept95/vol53/num01/Strengthening-Student-Engagement@-What-Do-Students-Want.aspx