Sunday, November 13, 2016

Hijab: Sharing my Perspective

I am so grateful that I have always been surrounded by the most respectful friends, peers and coworkers. As a Muslim wearing hijab, I have been fortunate to have had very few incidents of hate directed towards me. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not naïve. I am aware that there have been countless more incidents where assumptions are made about me, or I am silently judged solely on the basis on how I am dressed.

However, I recently realized that in the midst of such strong attacks against my religion, I don’t just want my beliefs to be blindly respected – I want the people around me to understand why it is that I choose to wear hijab.

 To my incredible classmates, we are nearing the end of a long educational journey! And once you land a teaching job, you will have the power of creating a positive classroom environment rooted in inclusiveness, as well as the capacity to influence dozens of students every single year. And that in itself is such a powerful thing. For those of you who don’t plan to pursue teaching, I have no doubt you’ll still be agents of change in whichever direction you go in. And for everyone else, simply speaking up or counteracting false statements will go such a long way. And if not that, in the very least- the next time you see myself or another girl wearing hijab, at least you won’t be left wondering why.

Disclaimer: keep in mind that everyone you meet will share a different story, and this one is exclusively my own.

I was fortunate to grow up in a very practicing family, but as I grew older and came to question the world around me – I decided to do my own research to gain a deeper understanding of my faith. Growing up in a multicultural community exposed me to such diverse groups of people, and I was always very intrigued by religions and spirituality. The more I learned, the more confidence I gained in the faith which I was born into: Islam.

Something which has always resonated with me is the concept of morality. Morality is defined as “principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behavior.” However, when studying history, it is clear to see that what society defines as right or wrong is constantly evolving. We look at the laws which existed in the past, and are absolutely appalled at the belief systems which had existed. Through my religion, I have a sense of comfort in knowing that the rules which applied in the past are constant and will continue to serve a purpose despite the changes which exist around us.

The fundamental reason for which I choose to wear hijab is simply because it is a command from God, which is narrated to us in our holy book, the Quran. As a believer, a command from God is more than a sufficient basis to partake in this act. However, one of key components which underlies all our actions as Muslims is the recognition that your intention must be sincere and is between you and God. Consequently, Hijab is entirely a personal choice and despite what you may hear – it absolutely cannot be forced or imposed upon anyone.

There is also tremendous wisdom behind what has been commanded of us. The literal or linguistic definition of hijab means barrier or prevention. The requirements of hijab are to cover everything aside from the face, hands and feet from men which are not related.  The hijab is intended to take a focus away from physical beauty. When looking past the physical appearance, it allows for the empowerment of women. 

The most common misconception about hijab would be its association with oppression, yet that could not be further from the truth. The ruling of hijab is to protect the honor, dignity, modesty and status of women.  In Islamic history, women were active participants in various aspects of society such as public affairs, lawmaking, and academics. The rights that women were given in Islam came long before Western society recognized gender equality

We live in a world where women are constantly being exploited and self-esteem issues in girls and women are at an all-time high. However, my hijab is a barrier from these superficial ideas. I recognize that I do not have the power to control the actions of others, but I am able to control my own actions and to protect myself from being objectified based on how I dress.

Some of the struggles which I have encountered are the judgements which are made about me without knowing me. I worked as a cashier for over four years and throughout this time, I met hundreds of people. As I would greet a customer, they would often comment on the fluency of my English and I would have to explain that I was born and raised in this very city. Other times our conversations would lead to what I was studying in school, and there was a sense of shock in knowing that I was allowed to pursue an education. There were even incidents where people with the best of intentions expressed concern as to why I would wear such an “oppressive” symbol when I was living in a free country. Despite the initial shock, I would always be grateful that the dialogue was happening and I was able to address their concerns.

There are various levels or degrees to which women may choose to cover. The most common would be the head covering which would be ideally be worn with loose fitting clothes. Then, there is the jilbaab, which is a loose outer garment. And lastly, there is the niqab which is a covering of the face. Despite the degree to which a women is covered, they share the same purpose.

My choice to wear the hijab allows me to represent modesty. It allows me to represent myself through my personality and character which allows others to gain a deeper appreciation for who I am as a person.


  1. Fantastic post! It so wonderfully explains the reasons for wearing a hijab while eliminating the misconceptions! Thank you for sharing your story.
