Sunday, November 13, 2016

Hijab: Sharing my Perspective

I am so grateful that I have always been surrounded by the most respectful friends, peers and coworkers. As a Muslim wearing hijab, I have been fortunate to have had very few incidents of hate directed towards me. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not naïve. I am aware that there have been countless more incidents where assumptions are made about me, or I am silently judged solely on the basis on how I am dressed.

However, I recently realized that in the midst of such strong attacks against my religion, I don’t just want my beliefs to be blindly respected – I want the people around me to understand why it is that I choose to wear hijab.

 To my incredible classmates, we are nearing the end of a long educational journey! And once you land a teaching job, you will have the power of creating a positive classroom environment rooted in inclusiveness, as well as the capacity to influence dozens of students every single year. And that in itself is such a powerful thing. For those of you who don’t plan to pursue teaching, I have no doubt you’ll still be agents of change in whichever direction you go in. And for everyone else, simply speaking up or counteracting false statements will go such a long way. And if not that, in the very least- the next time you see myself or another girl wearing hijab, at least you won’t be left wondering why.

Disclaimer: keep in mind that everyone you meet will share a different story, and this one is exclusively my own.